Every two years, the whole senior team start the year with a school camp. For many years, this has been located north of Whanganui at the YMCA Raukawa.
In 2023, we have a new location for our camp! The team at YMCA Kaitoke are our hosts in February.
If you would like copies of any of these newsletters, please contact the school office.
June 2022 - 1st newsletter, camp dates, cost, invitation for adult helpers
August 2022 - Camp Information evening coming up, reminder for adult helpers to apply
1st September 2022 - 7pm
For General Information about our routines, please scroll down this page.
Our General Routines:
Students come to the mat for roll and notices when the first bell goes.
Students have a cubby tray where they store their pencil case, school sunhat, silent reading book and exercise books in their book bag. There is a tote tray in the classroom for water bottles and students are encouraged to access these frequently. Students can either store their lunchboxes in their bag or their cubby tray.
They are able to choose where they work in class - desks, floor, cushions, low tables. Students are reminded to remain focused on their learning tasks and if needed, the teacher will choose where they sit for that session.
At 'read and feed' time and lunch time, students are encouraged to wash their hands thoroughly, then they can choose where they sit to eat. The teacher will read from the class chapter book during one or both eating times.
After break times, student return to class by the second bell and find a space to either read silently or continue the timetabled learning tasks.
The expectation is that when we are working in groups - reading, maths, whole class - one person speaks at a time and the rest of the group listens respectfully.
Students will be encouraged to maintain the naming of their equipment and the care of their belongings and our class environment.
Everyone will be expected to help tidy the classroom at the end of each day. Notices will be given out as required and students will regularly be reminded of their responsibility in handing these to parents and explaining what they are about.
There are high expectations for positive behaviour in our students across the school and our school values of honesty, excellence, respect and consideration are referred to regularly and consistently. In the Senior Team we have a Dojo points system which recognises positive behaviours and encourages students to make good choices about their behaviour across the team and around the school.
When behaviour is inappropriate, students will quietly be made aware of their need to consider their actions. This involves being given a 'step' as per the Senior Team behaviour plan. Any continual inappropriate behaviour will result in consequences which will be determined as part of the schoolwide behaviour programme.
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